A. Adult Literacy Program = masvss Adult Literacy Program aims to impart functional literacy to non-literate adults (15+ age) across India and then engage literate young adults in skill development training through various resource organizations.
According to "Education for All Global Monitoring Report, 2013-14: Teaching and Learning: Achieving Quality for All", India has the highest population of non-literate adults at 287 million, amounting to 37% of the global total.
B. English Speaking Course = English is the business language of the world. It is through this common language that people from different parts of the world are connecting with each other. Be it globalization or advancements in technology or medical fields in different parts of the world, all would have been a waste without one common language.
D. Career Counselling Program = Your career development is a lifelong process that, whether you know it or not, actually started when you were born! There are a number of factors that influence your career development, including your interests, abilities, values, personality, background, and circumstances. Career Counseling is a process that will help you to know and understand yourself and the world of work in order to make career, educational, and life decisions.